Monday, January 25, 2010

Chapter 8 is up.

Gahh, after so long, I finally have it up. I got horrid writers block, on top of winter vacation, new college courses, finals, and a new gaming group.

I r table top neRd. lol.I got sucked into playing Star Wars and Vampire Masquerade for a bit.

But, I got some fresh ideas, and I think I'm going to add more fragments to Night on Garnet. One of the reveiwers for that particular story caught on to one of my hints at Raines's past, and I might just add more information for her.

Any questions anyone has can be asked through the reviews or here, cuz I have the anon stuff enabled. I promise to answer all. I'm just happy so many people actually like this story. In less than an hour, I had over 100 more hits after adding 8. Awesomesauce people!

Thats all I can think of for right now. Hope you all have a great day, and I'll writing here again soon.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

So I'm about four pages into chapter 8. The going is slow b/c organizing battle information can get trickey and confusing if you aren't careful.

I had to pause it for a bit too to get some course work done for school. For anyone who has ever taken a critical thinking or effective essay writing course, you know how much work those classes pile on you. My finals for both are due almost directly after New Years so I'm trying to get as much of them done as possible before hand. I also get to drive through the blizzard conditions that are bitch slapping the New Jersey area right now. Ha, just my luck. I'll try and take some pictures of the trip up interstate 95 for you guys. Virginia should be bitchin.

Now, back to the more interesting topic, my story. lol.
I'm thinking of turning the Garnet story into a collection of one shots if enough readers want it. I've also considered writing blog entires on each of the OC's ( complete with drawings and pics so you know what they look like.) It could include their full real names, birthdays and ages, and interesting past details. I'm going to wait before putting the time into it though. I'd rather not do it if no one is interested.

I'm going to press on to deliever another chapter before christmas. I can't promise it was will as long as the others though. ( If I get it in that early.) But it will be a bit for you all to chew on till I get more down. Thanks for reading, and I hope to have a chapter to you soon! Happy Yule, Happy Holidays!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

So I started chapter 8, despite my real world responsibility's smacking me in the face everyday. This one should be a lot more fighting. I have the urge to have something steamrolled to death..... I'm not sure why....

If anyone has any ideas for a cool death scene feel free to share. I have a love for gory horror films of the 80's, so be creative. :P

I haven't decided if I wanna wrap up the lilac sequence in one long chapter or break it down into two. I'll have to see how it turns out first I suppose.

I have some sketches I'd like to put up too. Once I find a working scanner I'll slap them on here. Guess thats it. I'm going to try and have 8 up by Christmas. I get a week break from school, so I should have time. Have a great day!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Chapter 7 Posted

GAAHHHH!!!!, Chapter 7 is UP. FINALLY! Jeez, some cosmic power REALLY did not want me posting that thing. Fair warning, it's LONG. 35 pages on word. Pfft, longest one yet.

I really don't care for this chapter all that much to be honest. I think I could have done better. Let me know what you think. Chapter 8 should have lots of action. The Chief will finally meet up with the ODST's.

Let me know your OC favorites too!!

Now, I'm tired, and on alot of medicine. Hopefully I'll wake up tommorrow with some nice reviews. Have a great night!


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Another Delay

For some reason my internet wants to freeze up everytime I try to upload the document for the next chapter. It's highly aggravating. So I'm going to take some time to edit while I run CCleaner and defrag to laptop. Maybe then it will stop being gay. Sorry about this guys!


Friday, December 4, 2009

A bit about Kevin Raines

I was wanting to put up some kind of a good visual as to what he is physcally capable of. My sister found me this video, with a perfect song too!

Rise Against flows perfectly with the type of personality Raines has.

For those of you who said Raines was a badass, well, he truely is. And this is only the tip of the iceburg with him :)

THIS is what our favorite sniper is capable of pulling off :

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Night on Garnet

Ok, so in order to get rid of a horrid bit of writers block, I posted a short one shot about my OC ODST squad. I like how it turned out, and it's very revealing of some of their background information. I actually had fun putting it into text.

Now that it's out of my head, I feel I can move back to finishing chapter 7 of Into the Black.

I'm almost done it. Just a scene on Persephone next. ;D

Go read the one shot if you haven't already! Let me know what you think!
